The new 2021 Offer Qualification Support Line is in effect, with access to all tourist companies of any size. Projects of requalification and expansion of enterprises, establishments and tourist activities are eligible, as well as the creation of new enterprises, provided that the latter is implemented in low-density territories.
The maximum amount of financing can be up to 80% of the eligible investment, and, as a general rule, this is distributed in the proportion of 40% by Turismo de Portugal, without interest, and 60% by the bank, with interest to be negotiated. The total term of the operations can be up to 15 years, with a maximum grace period of 4 years and a maximum grace period of 11 years.
In low-density territories, financing is divided between 75% by Turismo de Portugal and 25% by banks.
On the portion that is financed by Turismo de Portugal, a performance bonus/debt forgiveness of up to 30% can be attributed, for measuring the achievement of four targets in the third full year of exploration: Turnover, Gross Value Added, GVA Ratio / VN and Workstations to be created.
Investment projects must provide for the implementation of environmental management measures and measures that promote accessibility for all, both subject to minimum scores to be observed in the published table of this financing line.
Contact us for more information: (+351) 217 121 050 |